Visiting Albuquerque in 2010- Best time for rosy-finches?

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Visiting Albuquerque in 2010- Best time for rosy-finches?

I received this inquiry from Dan DeCelles. My reply follows his note--

We are trying to decide whether to visit New Mexico in the week starting February 22, 2010, or starting April 5. Which week would be better for seeing birds in the vicinity of Sandia Peak? We are of course especially interested in the rosy-finches. Do you have a checklist that would show which birds are common in each season?
Dan DeCelles

= = = = =
My reply:

Hi, Dan--

February is an ideal time to see the rosy-finches, usually all three species, in good numbers. They usually migrate away towards the end of March, and the feeders are usually taken down by April 1st. Arrival and departure dates may be found here, along with link to sightings log :

Here is a USFS checklist:

Also see monthly notes that show birding by month at 7000 feet at our former home in Cedar Crest, on NM-14 east of Sandia Crest, with checklist at the bottom of this page:

Here is a mile-by-mile guide to birding the road up to Sandia Crest:

Also be sure to explore the links on the drop-down menus on

Good birding, and post any other questions or trip reports on this new FORUM page.

Ken Schneider
Web site:

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Re: Visiting Albuquerque in 2010- Best time for rosy-finches?

Thanks a lot!
In a message dated 07/14/09 11:37:23 Eastern Daylight Time, [hidden email] writes:
I received this inquiry from Dan DeCelles. My reply follows his note--

We are trying to decide whether to visit New Mexico in the week starting February 22, 2010, or starting April 5. Which week would be better for seeing birds in the vicinity of Sandia Peak? We are of course especially interested in the rosy-finches. Do you have a checklist that would show which birds are common in each season?
[hidden email]

= = = = =
My reply:

Hi, Dan--

February is an ideal time to see the rosy-finches, usually all three species, in good numbers. They usually migrate away towards the end of March, and the feeders are usually taken down by April 1st. Arrival and departure dates may be found here, along with link to sightings log :

Here is a USFS checklist:

Also see monthly notes that show birding by month at 7000 feet at our former home in Cedar Crest, on NM-14 east of Sandia Crest, with checklist at the bottom of this page:

Here is a mile-by-mile guide to birding the road up to Sandia Crest:

Also be sure to explore the links on the drop-down menus on

Good birding, and post any other questions or trip reports on this new FORUM page.

Ken Schneider
Web site:


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Re: Visiting Albuquerque in 2010- Best time for rosy-finches?

In reply to this post by NewMexiKen
Dan, it is important to point out that the rosy-finches may be found at Sandia CREST-- there are no feeders at Sandia PEAK, which is the ski area serviced by the tram. I would not recommend hiking the mile long trail to Sandia Crest from the Sandia Peak tram during the winter.  As I said to Richard Hall in a subsequent post:

I must emphasize "CREST," as the tram goes up to Sandia PEAK, the ski area, which is about a mile south of Sandia CREST. A fairly easy hiking trail does run between the Peak and the Crest, but if you decide to walk the distance, dress properly and bring water. Since the Crest Trail is 10,000 feet in elevation, some people may experience symptoms of oxygen deprivation, even if they are in good condition at or near sea level. It is best to habituate to the altitude. See this link for more information about avoiding altitude sickness.

The best way to visit Sandia Crest is by way of NM 536, which climbs up the eastern slope of the mountain, accessed by way of I-40 eastbound and NM-14-- specific driving directions are also at the above link.