Rosy-Finch Sighting November 6-- raise the flag!

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Rosy-Finch Sighting November 6-- raise the flag!

This note from Bob Lewis appeared on the AZ/NM RBA.

Bob very clearly describes the appearance and habits of one or more flocks of rosy-finches. Since there is no snow cover, the birds find ample food and may forage widely, ignoring the feeders. When available, rosy-finches often eat insects, especially flies that are swept up from the valley by the air currents, are immobilized by the cold, and collect near the rims of the mountain. I have been surprised to sometimes find dozens of flies in "suspended animation' on top of the snow. Say's Phoebes also avail themselves of this food source, especially along the ski runs.

Thanks for your observation, Bob-- the flags will start flying!!!

Date:    Sat, 6 Nov 2010 13:21:41 -0700
From:    Robert Lewis
Subject: Re: NM: Rosy Finches at Sandia Crest


   Today I drove up to Sandia Crest just east of Albuquerque to look for Rosy Finches.  The weather was beautiful - 50 degrees, bright sun, virtually no wind. Too nice according to the fellow who seems to manage the visitors center and knows a lot about the finches.  He said that none have been coming to the feeder.  There is one feeder only, on the porch with tables and chairs.  While I was there, between 10:00 and 12:00, very few birds of any species came to the feeder, and certainly no finches.

  However, I almost certainly encountered Rosy Finches.  Disclaimer: I have not seen any Rosy Finches since I was here in 2005. However, several times walking on the rim trails not far the visitors center, I observed loose flocks of around thirty - forty birds, obviously finches of some species.  They were never within, maybe, 150 feet of me.  A lot of "rosy" coloration was evident. Many individuals flashed white in the upper wing surface, possibly in the primary coverts or greater coverts.  From their calls, they were certainly not Red Crossbills, and White-wings (which I considered) evidently do not occur here.  I have no real doubt that they were Rosy Finches, though a better view would have been nice.

  Also evident: both Nuthatches, Juncos, Stellar's Jay, Clark's Nutcracker, Mountain Chickadee, probable Pine Siskin.

Bob Lewis
Sleepy Hollow NY
visiting UNM

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Re: Rosy-Finch Sighting November 6-- raise the flag!

Dave Weaver offers a weather report, and reminds us of the economic benefit that birders provide for local merchants--

Thanks Ken!  Good news indeed.  Perhaps as the weather changes (high altitude snow is expected Wednesday - Friday) the birds will start coming to the feeder.  And Gene [Romero, manager of the Crest House Gift Shop and Restaurant] will be happier as more people come up and partake of his wares while birding...


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Re: Rosy-Finch Sighting November 6-- UPDATE

In reply to this post by Rosyfinch
Anon writes:

Hello Ken

You may remember us from last snowed out for the finches after travelling from Green Valley, AZ to see them.  We are thinking earlier may be better this year, but want to wait until more than one are being seen.  After browsing,, I am still in the dark as to what is being seen.  All I could surmise was that there was an appearance on Nov. 7?

Ken's reply:

Dave and Fran, the feeding program coordinators, have been away, returning today. They expect to provide a report of sightings within the next day or two. I will post word on the FORUM as soon as I get the information. The first week or two can be difficult to predict. Usually all the species are in by mid-month (tomorrow) and in good numbers by the end of the Festival of the Cranes (Nov 21 this year). Lack of snow cover at any time of year may cause them to visit the feeder less frequently and in smaller numbers.

Check the Sandia Peak ski area snow report at this link:

Stay tuned! Thanks!
