The deck feeder will be put up this week!

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The deck feeder will be put up this week!

Rosy-finch arrival is fast approaching! Feeders should be up this coming week. The flag on will start waving when the rosies arrive. Be sure to register here (you may do so anonymously), to receive all updates.

For the past seven years, the average arrival date for the Sandia Crest rosy-finches has been November 7th (between October 31st and  November 19th). Let's see who is the first to post a sighting.

Here is a report from the Coordinators of the Sandia Crest Rosy-Finch feeding project:

Date: Oct 22, 2009
From: Fran Lusso and Dave Weaver

Hi Ken,
It is getting to be rosy season.  This morning the Sandias are covered by a lovely layer of snow!  Sandia Peak Ski area purportedly got 12 inches yesterday.

We are planning to put the deck feeders, logs, signs, etc up sometime next week (by October 30th at the latest).
We have had no reports of rosies but we have not been up to the Crest since Oct 7th.
If you have any questions, let us know.  We will be sure to let you know as soon as the feeders, etc are all in place!
Hope all is well in your neck of trhe woods!
Best regards,
Fran & Dave


At this time, they plan to just put the deck feeders up and forego the pole mounted feeder on the east side of the Crest House. They believe that "almost everyone seems to gravitate to the deck feeders and we think the rosies do too!"