Support Thursday Birder Birdathon May 7 & 8

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Support Thursday Birder Birdathon May 7 & 8

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For more information contact:

e-mail Donald Giles 

e-mail Melissa Howard 

On May 7th and 8th of this year, a number of Thursday Birders are once again participating in the Thursday Birder Birdathon to raise funds to support  the conservation efforts of both the Central New Mexico Audubon and the state Audubon New Mexico chapters.  We hope you will join with us again this year to support the conservation efforts that sustain and preserve the habitat necessary for birds and other wildlife.

Some of Central New Mexico Audubon's conservation efforts include:

a: Cats Indoors Campaign - providing educational materials to the public about the dangers that free-roaming cats can pose to birds.
b: Protecting Belen Marsh wetlands habitat for breeding and migrating birds.
c: Collaborating with Valle de Oro National Wildlife Refuge, Bernalillo County Open Space and the Rio Grande Nature Center State Park in habitat restoration and education.
d: Supporting the Rosy Finch Research Project at Sandia Crest.

Audubon New Mexico's conservation activities have been focused around Important Birds Areas and New Mexico's rivers, in particular keeping the Gila River a free-flowing river. In addition, they are involved with protecting bird species of concern such as the Lesser Prairie Chicken and the Willow Flycatcher.

In our Birdathon, we will be visiting a variety of habitats around Fort Sumner and the Melrose Trap area in our effort to see as many bird species as we can during a 24 hour period.

We are hoping you will support our team through a donation of any amount.  All of the funds raised will stay here in New Mexico and will go towards these conservation endeavors.  Please make checks out to CNMAS- putting Thursday Birder Birdathon on the subject line. You can mail your checks to the Central New Mexico Audubon Society, PO Box 30002, Albuquerque, NM 87190-0002.

Thank you for your support.

Judy Liddell and Bonnie Long, co-leaders