Sunday Jan 24th-- No banding today- Crest House Closed

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Sunday Jan 24th-- No banding today- Crest House Closed

Don't even try to drive up the Crest Road today.

Raymond announced:

Hello all,
Sorry for the late email, I just got back into town. I just wanted to let everybody know that we have cancelled Rosy-finch banding for tomorrow. The crest house will be closed as well and as of this afternoon Gene Romero said the road is totally covered with snow and one can't even drive all the way to the crest. Hope all are well. See you back at the top of the mountain next Sunday!
Cheers and Good Birding,
Raymond VanBuskirk

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Re: Sunday Jan 24th-- No banding today- Crest House Closed

From the banding team--  200 Rosy-Finches at the feeder yesterday!

Hi all,

Due to the amount of snow over the last few days, the road was not good up to the crest.  The Crest House decided not to open.  Some of our team braved the conditions and reported about 200 Rosy-Finches.  However, they did not try to band.  They also said that 4X4 was necessary to reach the top.

We hope to be able to band next week-end.

Nancy & Steve