Sandia Crest Pine Grosbeaks NOV 22

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Sandia Crest Pine Grosbeaks NOV 22

From the AZ/NM RBA

Date:    Thu, 22 Nov 2012 14:47:44 -0700
From:    Ashli Gorbet
Subject: NM: Sandia Crest Pine Grosbeaks

Happy Thanksgiving all,

Larry Gorbet and I birded a bit in the Sandias today hoping to turn up some Pine Grosbeaks at the crest. We found three female/immature Pine Grosbeaks along the trail from the lower crest parking lot to Kiwanis Meadow. The birds were only .2 or so miles (about 1,000 feet) south of the parking lot.

I set an approx. 3 ft log on end and built a small rock cairn atop the cut end on the right side of the trail in the area we observed the birds. On the left side of the trail, Larry put a medium-sized stick into the hollowed end of a small downed aspen.

During the 25 minutes we watched, the birds fed quietly at medium to upper canopy level in the spruces, though we initially located them by hearing the birds give contact calls. At times, they were difficult to detect, notwithstanding the fact we knew they were present, as they spent much time in the interior portions of the trees.

What a fantastic way to spend Thanksgiving morning!

Happy birding!

Ashli Gorbet
Rio Grande Bird Research, Inc.
Albuquerque, NM