Rosy-Finch Report from Taos Ski Valley

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Rosy-Finch Report from Taos Ski Valley

Gil Bachmann, manager of the Kandahar Condos in Taos Ski Valley, sends this interesting report:

Good Morning, Ken.

The last sighting of the large flock of Rosy Finches was on April 7.  There were a few stragglers for the next several days.  I was surprised, however, to see two Rosy Finches at the feeder on Tuesday of this week, May 3.  I was away for about 2 weeks prior to that, and only saw them that one time.
The flock's general patterns seemed different this past winter, from the previous 3 winters that I have been observing.  There were periods of a week or more when we saw no finches, and when they appeared they were in smaller groups of maybe 50-75 birds.  Only occasionally would we see the large flock, usually before a big snow.  The last week or so before the northern migration the large flock of perhaps 300 birds appeared at the feeders regularly each day.  
Snowfall this past year was much less than average and temperatures were warmer.  We normally see just a few Evening Grosbeaks at our feeders.  This year there were about 20 regulars.
I hope this belated report helps.

Gil Bachmann