Rosie Outing @ Sandia Crest - Anyone Wish to Join?

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Rosie Outing @ Sandia Crest - Anyone Wish to Join?

Hi, all

I have set into stone the days I will be visiting Albuquerque to see the rosies: January 10th, - January 13th, 2013. I plan to spend either Friday (1/11) or Saturday (1/12) within that time span birding up top the crest.

As someone who has never been to Albuquerque or to Sandia Crest, I would love to have the company of another or other birders who would like to participate in the outing - be it other folks new to the area or locals who know the area. As we all know, the more eyes and ears out there seeking the birds, the more birds & species we are likely to see and enjoy!

If anyone is interested, please feel free to reply via this thread or email me directly at, and we can work out the details from there. I hope to hear from some of you!