Report: Banding on Nov 28, 2010

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Report: Banding on Nov 28, 2010

Hi all,

Nancy Cox reported on this morning's banding session-- They plan to be back at 9:30 AM the next two Sundays, December 5th and 12th, after which the team will be involved in Christmas Bird Counts. The full schedule will be posted when available.

With little notice we kicked off the Rosy-Finch Project for 2010-11 season today 11/28/10.  There was no snow and it was very windy.  We newly banded 14 birds: 10 Black Rosy-Finches and 4 Brown-capped Rosy-Finches. We managed to recapture 3 birds from previous seasons.  One was a female Black Rosy-Finch originally banded on 1/7/2007.  She is now in her 5th year.  We caught a Gray-crowned (interior race) that was originally banded 1/4/2009.  She is now an “after third year” bird.  And, we caught a male Brown-capped Rosy-Finch that we originally banded on 1/31/10.  He is a second year bird.

Many of us enjoyed the hot soups that Gene and crew at the Crest House had available.

We currently plan to be up again the next two Sundays (December 5 & 12).