Report: Banding on January 24, 2011; 78 Rosy-Finches captured!

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Report: Banding on January 24, 2011; 78 Rosy-Finches captured!

The banding team was kept busy yesterday. Nex session at 9:30 AM next Sunday, January 30.

Hi all,

Today the team newly banded 39 Rosy-Finches.  There were 28 Blacks, 1 Brown-capped and 10 Gray-crowned (4 Hepburnā€™s and 6 interior).

They also recaptured 39 Rosy-Finches.  All were birds from this winter season.  Of those 32 were Blacks, 5 Brown-capped and 2 Gray-crowned.

The road is in great condition.

Hope to see you next Sunday.

Nancy & Steve