On Sun 07/02/10 15:05, Mitch wrote:
Ken: I am coming to the area for a business trip and will have limited time Wed. afternoon or thurs. AM. From the ABQ airport, maps tell me it takes 55 min to drive. So, a 2-h round trip would leave me with just minutes to look for/at the rosy finches. 1. What would be your recommendation for a minimum amount of time for this tirp? 2. What times of day are best; put another way, if I arrive near sundown on Wed., will I see any finches? 3. If I came at dawn on Thurs., is that OK? When does the restaurant open? 4. Any guess on the weather and whether I will be able to get up there? Thanks, in advance! Hi, Mitch-- I'll just repeat your questions and try to answer them. 1. What would be your recommendation for a minimum amount of time for this tirp? The finches may appear all at once, stay for 5 minutes, and then not be around for another 30 or even 50 minutes, so you can't be sure to see them in a 5-10 minute visit. I always recommend two nights in case of bad weather, and to acclimate to the altitude. 2. What times of day are best; put another way, if I arrive near sundown on Wed., will I see any finches? They may be seen any time from dawn to dusk.. Given your time constraints, the late afternoon may provide you more viewing time. 3. If I came at dawn on Thurs., is that OK? When does the restaurant open? There is only one feeder and it is on the deck of the Crest House, not visualized very well at all except from inside or on the deck itself. The deck is on the west side of the building and almost entirely blocked from view. The rosies may roost in nearby trees as a flock comes in to feed, so it is not impossible to see them when the Crest House is closed-- just difficult. They open at 9:30 AM. The flocks sometimes forage along the upper reaches of the road-- Ellis and 10K Trail Heads. 4. Any guess on the weather and whether I will be able to get up there? Just watch the weather reports and links to highway conditions in drop-down menus on I will post your query on the Sandia Crest Birding Forum in the event that others can provide other opinions. Remember that the weather atop the mountain can be much different than a mile lower in Albuquerque. If in doubt, call the Crest House DURING BUSINESS HOURS-- i.e., after 9:30 AM. Sandia Crest House: 505-243-0605...
Ken Schneider
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