Planning early December visit

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Planning early December visit

I just received this note--

Hello.  I am writing from Michigan.  We are planning our first birding trip to New Mexico December 5 through December 13 and are trying to plan when to see the Rosy-Finches.  We will be arriving around noon on December 5th and wonder if we should head up to Sandia Crest that afternoon or if morning is better.  We appreciate any information you can give us.  We can’t wait.


My reply:

Hi, Judi--

Its a safe bet that the rosy-finches will be present in good numbers in early December. They generally appear in one to several fairly large flocks, at least every hour or so. A few may be there in between the arrival of flocks.

Any time of day is usually fine, so I suggest your watch the weather and do not go up during or immediately after a heavy snowfall. Although the road is plowed regularly and efficiently, the crews concentrate on opening the ski area, which is at about the 9 mile point on the Crest Road.Even if you venture up under snow conditions, Crest House may not be able to open if sufficient staff do not report for work.

There is a chance that Sunday morning banding may commence in the next week or so. Watch this FORUM for updates on this, if your plans permit a visit on December 12.

Since you are a new visitor, I repeat my caution that the Tram goes to Sandia PEAK, which does not have feeders and is over a mile away from Sandia Crest on a hazardous trail if snow is present.

We hope you enjoy your visit, and please record your sightings in the log at Crest House, and, of course, let us know about your experience here on the FORUM.  

Good birding!

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Re: Planning early December visit

Nancy Cox
Hi Ken,

I was just getting ready to send out an e-mail to the crew that we will be starting this coming Sunday (November 28).  Raymond was up there last Sunday and saw 6 Rosy-Finches that were already banded. 

I just tried to sign up to the forum but it said site not found.  Can you send me the correct link for registering?  I would like to get the digest because I am sure you get lots of hits during the season.



Rosyfinch [via Sandia Crest Birding FORUM] wrote:
I just received this note--

Hello.  I am writing from Michigan.  We are planning our first birding trip to New Mexico December 5 through December 13 and are trying to plan when to see the Rosy-Finches.  We will be arriving around noon on December 5th and wonder if we should head up to Sandia Crest that afternoon or if morning is better.  We appreciate any information you can give us.  We can’t wait.


My reply:

Hi, Judi--

Its a safe bet that the rosy-finches will be present in good numbers in early December. They generally appear in one to several fairly large flocks, at least every hour or so. A few may be there in between the arrival of flocks.

Any time of day is usually fine, so I suggest your watch the weather and do not go up during or immediately after a heavy snowfall. Although the road is plowed regularly and efficiently, the crews concentrate on opening the ski area, which is at about the 9 mile point on the Crest Road.Even if you venture up under snow conditions, Crest House may not be able to open if sufficient staff do not report for work.

There is a chance that Sunday morning banding may commence in the next week or so. Watch this FORUM for updates on this, if your plans permit a visit on December 12.

Since you are a new visitor, I repeat my caution that the Tram goes to Sandia PEAK, which does not have feeders and is over a mile away from Sandia Crest on a hazardous trail if snow is present.

We hope you enjoy your visit, and please record your sightings in the log at Crest House, and, of course, let us know about your experience here on the FORUM.  

Good birding!


This email was sent by Rosyfinch (via Nabble)
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Re: Planning early December visit

Hi, Nancy--

Sorry-- I will have to fix that link-- they made a change in the
procedure and I did not pick up on the bad link-- I run three forums and
each will need to be changed to the correct link, which I hope you will
find as follows:

To register, select "Options" just above the message area, and then
"Register by e-mail" in the drop-down box.

If given a choice, indicate that you want to receive copies of all posts
to the forum.

Thanks for pointing out this problem-- yes-- the rosy-finch forum got
over 5,000 hits just in the past 12 months, mostly during the rosy-finch

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Re: Banding starts this Sunday, November 28!

In reply to this post by Rosyfinch