Nice note from California birder

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Nice note from California birder

I copied Gene Romero, manager, and also Sunwest Silver, owners of the Crest House with this message sent by a recent visitor from California, along with my reply:

Dear Ken,

If you should be in touch with the Crest House people, please let them know
that I am an out of state birder who is very grateful for the service they
offer to birders. I am sorry this vandalism happened.

I tell all my friends here that the Crest House is the best place anywhere
to see Rosy Finches, and some of them have found themselves in Albuquerque
and have gone up to the crest. I've also enjoyed sharing binoculars and info
with non-birding people at the café tables.

Thank you for all your efforts on rosy-finches.

Menlo Park, CA

Thanks, Chris

Sharing with non-birders is one of the joys of visiting the Crest House. I think many have been "converted" by the experience.

Your comments are certainly appreciated.

I am copying your note to the management of Crest House and to Dave and Fran, the US Forest Service Volunteers who work closely with them.
