Learn about volunteering with Friends of the Sandia Mountains

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Learn about volunteering with Friends of the Sandia Mountains

Bob Lowder posted this on the Sandia Volunteers and FOSM Yahoo Group. They do a marvelous job and help is really needed by the understaffed US Forest Service:

FOSM Meetings Begin Again April 4, 2017, 7:00 pm

Hello Everyone:

The Friends of the Sandia Mountains (FOSM) monthly meetings begin again on Tuesday, April 4, 2017. As always, the meetings will begin at 7:00 pm and are held in the conference room of the Sandia Ranger Station in Tijeras.

The presentation topic for the April meeting will be What is this thing called FOSM?. It could probably also be called Introduction to FOSM 101. Friends of the Sandia Mountains President Bob Lowder will present an overview of our organization covering its origins, organization, mission and the wide-ranging variety of projects our volunteers undertake. It will provide a lot of background information for our long-term members/volunteers and give newer ones a better understanding as to what FOSM is all about. There will be lots of photos to share and plenty of time for questions.