Latest Sightings Log-- up to 12 Black, Gray-crowned including Hepburns

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Latest Sightings Log-- up to 12 Black, Gray-crowned including Hepburns

Here is a link to the Sandia Crest House Sightings Log report through NOV 9. Andy Mayer and his Crest House staff have been keeping eyes on the feeders. Thanks, Andy and also Alan Mickelson who compiles and updates this spreadsheet!
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Re: Latest Sightings Log-- up to 12 Black, Gray-crowned including Hepburns

Andy Mayer reported that a group from the UK saw 12 Black and one Gray-crowned Rosy-finch at 8:45 AM on NOV 14. They also saw 7 Red Crossbills on the road about 1.5 miles from Crest House.