Latest CNMAS and Thursday Birder Field Trip Schedule

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Latest CNMAS and Thursday Birder Field Trip Schedule

The schedule of Central New Mexico Audubon Society field trips is available at THIS LINK

The latest Thursday Birder schedule may be accessed here.

Current schedules are also posted in the latest issue of the CNMAS  BURROWING OWL.

For those interested in finding the American Three-toed Woodpecker, this Thursday Birders walk may be productive:

October 7: Hike Ellis Trail in the Sandia Mountains
With Lannois Neely: 505-890-7881, lfneely(AT)

Meet at 8:30 a.m. near the Carl’s Jr. in the shopping center parking lot on the south side of Central, between Juan Tabo and Tramway or 9:15 a.m. at the Ellis Trail parking lot. It is a level trail. The walk will be over before noon. (Parking fee of $3 or pass required in the Sandias.)