Flocks of up to 20 rosy-finches of all three species are now visiting the feeders at the same time.
Please be sure to enter sightings when you visit. The log book is just to the left when you enter the main gift shop door. Thanks to Alan Mickelson for venturing up to Crest House to refill the feeders and copy the entries in the sightings log, which may be accessed at this link:
http://www.rosyfinch.com/RosyLog2013-2014.pdfCheck out the live camera shot of the Paa-Ko Golf Course near the entrance of the road to the Crest, at only about 7000 feet elevation:
http://www.paakoridge.com/livecam.htmFor a view of conditions a bit closer to Crest House, see this Sandia Peak Ski Area Live Web Cam: