JN 13: Banding Report and Sightings -- Flocks of 50+

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JN 13: Banding Report and Sightings -- Flocks of 50+

The latest Sightings Log is available at THIS LINK

Nancy Cox of Rio Grande Bird Research writes (JAN 13):

Hi all,

Today was a great day!  We recaptured a Brown-capped Rosy-Finch that we originally banded on February 15, 2009.  She is now 7 years 6 months old!  We also recaptured a Black Rosy-Finch male that we originally banded January 11, 2015.  We had 29 other repeats.  The breakdown on the 31 repeats was 2 Brown-capped, 16 Blacks, and 13 Gray-crowned (12 interior 1 Hepburn's).

We also newly banded 5 Gray-crowned Rosy-Finches (4 interior 1 Hepburn's), and 3 Blacks.

This is the first year that we have had more Gray-crowned Rosy-Finches than any other Rosy-Finch.  We are seeing 46.5% Gray-crowned, 39.5% Blacks, and 14% Brown-capped.  We are not seeing any huge flocks this year but we are seeing about 40 each time.

The road has some narrow places and some icy spots so please use caution when driving.

Nancy & Steve