JAN 27 Banding Report: All 3 species; Hepburn's present

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JAN 27 Banding Report: All 3 species; Hepburn's present

Here is the report from Nancy & Steve Cox (JAN 27):

Hi all,

On January 27 we newly banded 40 more Rosy-Finches.  Twenty-seven were Blacks, ten Brown-capped and 3 Gray-crowned (interior).  We recaptured six Blacks from this season.

The flock size is around 100 birds.  There are about 70 Blacks, 12 Brown-capped with a few Gray-crowned mixed in.  There is at least one Gray-crowned Hepburnā€™s in the flock.

The upper parking lot is still not plowed but the lower parking lot has been plowed.

Nancy & Steve