Hazard Tree Alert

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Hazard Tree Alert

The USFS Sandia Ranger District has made the decision to not remove hazard trees from the wilderness, and instead post warning signs at the trail heads and do other informational outreach.

Visit www.wilderness.net and learn more about national wilderness policy and the Wilderness Act of 1964

Here is the text of the warning:

Hazard Tree Alert

Due to years of drought, disease and insect infestation, thousands of trees have died in recent years.  Watch for falling trees. Hazards increase during windy conditions. There is a risk of death or serious injury. Recreate at your own risk. Hazard trees are being removed from developed sites outside designated wilderness. In the Sandia Mountain Wilderness, hazard trees will be left to fall naturally, in order to preserve and protect wilderness character as required by the Wilderness Act of 1964.

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Re: Hazard Tree Alert

From Susan A. Johnson, Recreation Special Uses/Developed Sites/Fees/Volunteer Management, Sandia Ranger District, Cibola National Forest:

FYI - Here is a HEADS-UP for all of you out and about where there are any trees...

On September 18th at 16:30, two District employees had a near miss with a falling Douglas fir, 50-75' tall, along south 10K trail.  

Weather throughout the day was foggy with a constant drizzle.  Temperature ranged from 55-60 degrees with no wind.  Visibility was fair and the ground was wet.  A Job Hazard Assessment was completed prior to the project and employees were aware of the dangerous conditions.  

Within seconds after hearing a "crack", one employee shouted to the other.  The other employee looked up and saw the tree falling toward the first employee.  50 yards separated the employees.  The employees shouted to each other following the crash to determine status.  Fortunately, both employees were uninjured.  They waited to reconnect until swaying of adjacent trees subsided.  

A key message that stands out to me:  Situational awareness - pay attention to your surroundings at all times.  

Further  review of this incident will occur on October 9th at the District Safety Committee Meeting.