Flocks of Rosy-Finches have departed-- look for stragglers

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Flocks of Rosy-Finches have departed-- look for stragglers

Nancy and Steve Cox write (March 16, 2012):

Hi all,

Andy Bankert was up at the Crest yesterday and only saw 8 Blacks and 1 Gray-crowned Rosy-Finches.  The Crest House crew have also noticed very few birds.  The decision has been made to call it a season.  The feeder trap has been taken down.  We look forward to seeing the Rosy-Finches again next year.

Thanks everyone for all your help this season.  Even though we didn't band many birds this season, we still had great returns.

Nancy & Steve

Thank YOU, Nancy and Steve! This has been quite an unusual season, particularly in the small number of Gray-crowned Rosy-Finches and absence of the Coastal (Hepburn's) race, as well has the high percentage of banded birds that have been captured. The flag will stop waving, but there is the possibility of seeing small groups or single individuals into late March or even early April, so please report here and we will keep our records updated. Ken