Flocks of 30 - 50 Rosy-Finches at Sandia Crest feeders

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Flocks of 30 - 50 Rosy-Finches at Sandia Crest feeders

Dave Weaver has an updated report from Sandia Crest. Things are picking up despite the lack of snow!

Flocks have included all three species, including one Coastal (Hepburn's) subspecies of Gray-crowned Rosy-Finch.

Flocks of Red Crossbills have also been reported.

Here is Dave's note, with a link to the latest sightings log:

Hi Ken,

I went up to the Crest today, where at 10:00am it was 16 degrees with about a 20 mph wind and less than one inch of snow on the ground.  There were a few birders, with more on the way.  I have attached a log update.  I probably will go up to the Crest again early next week.

Best wishes for Thanksgiving!
