First banding session today (Saturday)

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First banding session today (Saturday)

Flocks of up to 30 rosy-finches are already at the deck feeder. The banding team plans to work beginning at 9:30 AM on Sundays, except for Christmas Count weekends. This week only, they will band on Saturday.

Here is a report from the Rio Grande Bird Research team:

Date: November 6, 2009
Hi all,

The Rosy-Finches are here again (early) and tomorrow [SATURDAY] will be our first banding day.  Gene, the Crest House manager, reports that as many as 30 birds are being seen and they have even seen some banded birds.  We plan to meet at 9:30 a.m. at the Crest House.  All other banding days should be on Sundays.  Please remember that we do not plan to band during the Christmas Bird Count period.

Please join us if you can.

Nancy & Steve Cox