Festival of the Cranes is scheduled for NOV 20-23
All three species of rosy-finches usually are present at the Sandia Crest House feeders during the Festival of the Cranes at Bosque del Apache NWR. Your trip plans could include a visit to Sandia Crest. Here is the announcement and a registration link--
Join us November 20th - 23rd, 2019 for the 32nd Annual Festival of the Cranes - over 135 events during the week that you can register for starting on September 3, 2019. Photographers, birders and wildlife enthusiasts from around the country come together in celebration of the return of the Sandhill Cranes to their winter home. Come on Saturday November 23rd for free fun for children of all ages. See the Festival Website for more information. The Tour Loop entrance fee is waived during this event.