Feeders to go up this week!

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Feeders to go up this week!

Good news from Raymond VanBuskirk, CNMAS president. He and Alan Mickelson, the new feeding coordinator will be putting the feeders up at Crest House by November 1st. Don't expect the rosies to be there right away, although it has happened in the past. As noted in my earlier post, flocks of all three species usually don't arrive until after the end of the second week of November. However, if you do visit, please report even if you see only one, as we have tried to keep a record of their arrival date each year.

Here is Raymond's e-mail to members of the feeding and research teams:

Hello all,

Over the past few weeks I've been coordinating with Berna, the Crest House Manager, about this year's Rosy-Finch Project. Yesterday evening she put me in touch with Andy Mayer and we finalized some of the logistics for this year. Andy was really helpful and very excited about working with us this year. We talked about the details of the banding project, new marketing ideas, and new merchandise. Also, they will be having Green Chile Cheeseburgers up there again!!!!

He also gave us the go ahead on banding and on setting up the feeders. We WILL be banding indoors again and probably downstairs in Gene's old apartment.

Alan, I'll contact you later today about choosing a time that we can meet up at the crest to set up feeders. Fran and Dave, if you would like to meet us to exchange the rest of the supplies that would be great. Or we could pick it up on our way up.

We will have a banding schedule out soon! Thank you all for everything you've done to make this project a success.

Cheers and Good Birding,