Here is the report from Nancy & Steve Cox of the banding team. Keep an eye on the weather and road conditions.
Hi Ken,
The crew was able to band 23 more Rosy-Finches on Feb 9. Four were Blacks, 8 were Gray-crowned - Interior, and 11 were Gray-crowned - Hepburn's. No new Brown-capped have been banded this season.
The only Brown-capped in hand was a recapture from Feb 2019. The crew also recaptured one Black from Jan 2018, 3 Blacks from Dec 2018, and 3 Blacks from Jan - March 2019.
The road was clear on Sunday Feb 9 but it is snowing up there today (Feb 10). It is also supposed to snow tomorrow.
We will still try to have someone put out more feed on Wednesday and we hope to be banding again next Sunday (Feb 16). However, there is a chance of precipitation next weekend.
Nancy & Steve