FEB 16 & 23 Banding reports: All three Rosy-Finch species present

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FEB 16 & 23 Banding reports: All three Rosy-Finch species present

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Nancy Cox of the banding team sent this report:

Hi Ken,

The team banded 11 more Rosy-Finches on Sunday [February 16].  There were 2 Blacks, 3 Gray-crowned Interior and 6 Gray-crowned Hepburn's.  They also recaptured one Brown-capped and one Black from January and March 2019.

The flock consisted of 25 Blacks, 10 Gray-crowned - I, 20 Gray-crowned - H, and 2 Brown-capped.

The road was clear but there is a chance of snow again next week.

Nancy & Steve

Sunday FEB 23-- Nancy Cox's report:

The crew newly banded 8 Rosy-finches.  Three were Blacks and 5 were Gray-crowned (3 interior and 2 Hepburn's).  They caught one Black that was originally banded in December 2018 and one from February 2019.  The only Brown-capped that was captured was a female originally banded in January 2017.  The best recapture was a female Gray-crowned interior that was originally banded as an adult in February 2016. The road was fine.