Gray-crowned Rosy-Finches continue to appear in good numbers--Here is report of Sunday's results and road conditionsHi all,
With 9" of new snow, it was a challenge getting to the Sandia Crest House. We were definitely glad that the Crest House was open!
We were able to newly band 6 Blacks, 2 Brown-capped, and 12 interior Gray-crowned Rosy-Finches for a total of 20 birds. We did not catch any other Rosy-Finches from previous seasons but we did see another 13 Blacks, 1 Brown-capped, and 3 interior Gray-crowned and 1 Hepburn's Gray-crowned from this season.
The Rosy-Finches were never gone for more than 30 minutes at a time. Flock size seemed to be around 40 birds.
By the time we left, the road had been plowed up to the Sandia Crest House. However, there were many stuck vehicles. The stretch between the ski area and the Crest House still is still snow packed and icy. Please use caution when going up there. It is definitely worth the trip to the top.
Nancy & Steve