Crest House

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Crest House

Lora Render
I live in San Antonio and not familiar with this area but many have told me that the Crest House is closed, is this seasonal or closed completely.  I'm heading to Sandia Crest mid January, I'm assuming the feeders where the Rosy Finches are at is located at the Crest House?

Any recommendations or comments would greatly be appreciated.
Lora Render
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Re: Crest House

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Hi, Lora,

The Crest House has been closed temporarily, until March 1, 2013.

Yes, the feeders are presently in the area immediately to the south and southeast of the Crest House, adjacent to the lower parking lot. There are plans to move them to a more convenient location next to the upper parking lot, so keep an eye on this FORUM in the event that the location changes.

Presently there are no plans to clear snow from the lower lot, but the upper lot is used by employees of the electronic towers and should be plowed.

You probably know that access to Sandia Crest is by auto, not by the tram. The latter serves the ski area and restaurant on Sandia PEAK, about a mile south of the CREST. There are no feeders on Sandia Peak. During the winter it is not safe or practical to walk the hazardous trail that runs between the Peak and the Crest.

See for more information and advice about planning your visit, remembering that all the information about Crest House does not apply. There are latrines but no food service at the Crest. There is food available at the base of the ski runs, about four miles back down the road from the Crest.

Good Luck, and post any additional specific questions here on the FORUM.