Central New Mexico Audubon Field Trips-- FALL 2011

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Central New Mexico Audubon Field Trips-- FALL 2011

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Thursday Birders Autumn Schedule


Circle A Ranch and Hostel five miles from Cuba, NM, with
Rebecca Gracey: 242-3821, maryrebeccagracey@gmail.com
Meet at 6:50 a.m. for a 7:00 departure in the middle of the parking
lot of the Far North shopping center on Academy and San
Mateo or 8:15 at the McDonald’s in Cuba. The website for the
ranch is www.circlearanchhostelry.com
Some may want to spend the night before or after the trip at
the hostel. Bring lunch. For those not driving the shared gas
expenses are $8.00 at five cents per mile. The trip should end
back in Albuquerque in the mid afternoon.

Otero Canyon with Karen and Gary Boettcher: 281-6726,
nmkestrel@yahoo.com - Meet at the Sandia Ranger Station
in Tijeras on NM 337 at 8:00 a.m. The group will car pool from
there to Otero 3.5 miles south on NM 337. The trip will end
before noon.

Hike Ellis Trail in the Sandia Mountains with Lannois Neely: 890-
7881, lfneely@aol.com - Meet at 8:20 a.m. for an 8:30 departure
near the Carl’s Jr. in the Four Hills shopping center located on
the south side of Central, between Juan Tabo and Tramway or
9:15 at the Ellis Trail parking lot. It is a level trail. The walk will
be over before noon. (Parking fee of $3 or pass required in the
Sandias.) For those not driving, the shared gas expenses are
$3.00 at five cents per mile.

Whitfi eld Wildlife Conservation
Area and Belen marsh in Belen,
NM, with Linda Heinze: 565-
1441, manzanogal@gmail.com
Meet at 8:20 a.m. for an 8:30 departure
behind the Hawthorne
Suites on Gibson and University
or 9:15 at WWCA on NM 47.
Lunch afterwards at Rutilio’s, 455 N. Main in Belen for Mexican
food. For those not driving, the shared gas expenses are $3.50
at five cents per mile. The trip should end back in Albuquerque
in the early afternoon.

Bosque del Apache National Wildlife Refuge with Sei Tokuda:
266-2480, stokuda@juno.com - Meet at 7:50 a.m. for an 8:00
departure behind the Hawthorn Suites on University and Gibson.
Very little walking is required. Bring lunch. (Entrance fee
or pass required per car.) For those not driving, the shared gas
expenses are $10 at five cents per mile. The group will be back
in Albuquerque in the late afternoon.

Fourth of July Campground in the Manzano Mountains for
the turning Maple leaves with Bonnie Long: 379-1985, cantrade_
1@yahoo.com Meet at 8:50 a.m. for a 9:00 departure by
the Carl’s Jr. on the south side of Central Avenue between Juan
Tabo and Tramway or meet Bonnie at the intersection of NM
337 and NM 55 at 9:50. Bring lunch. One can walk or sit and enjoy
the beauty. A parking fee of $7 per vehicle is required at the
campground, $3.50 with a Golden Age Pass. For those not driving,
the shared gas expenses are $5.00 at five cents per mile.
The group should be back in Albuquerque by mid afternoon.

Randall Davey Audubon Center in Santa Fe with Lefty Arnold:
514-9398, wanderingtatlerja@yahoo.com Meet at 8:17 a.m. for
a 8:27 departure in the middle of the Far North shopping center
parking lot located east of San Mateo and north of Academy
Blvd. Bring Lunch. For those not driving, the shared gas expenses
are $6.00 at five cents per miles. The group should be back in
Albuquerque by mid afternoon.

Alameda Open Space with Gale Owings: 255-8333. Meet at 8:30
a.m. in the open space parking lot on the south side of Alameda
Boulevard. It is directly east of the Rio Grande River and
west of the traffic light on Alameda and Rio Grande Boulevards.
Lunch afterwards at Village Pizza in Corrales.

Albuquerque Open Space Visitor Center with Barbara Hussey,
former president of Cenral NM Audubon and now a resident
of Richmond, VA: brhussey@fl ash.net - Barbara has taught
workshops on leading birding field trips and she will share
this information on this walk. Meet at 9:00 a.m. in the center’s
parking lot on the east side of Coors Boulevard which is located
north of Montano Road and south of Paseo del Norte. It will be
an easy 1.5 mile walk.

Hike Embudito Canyon in the foothills of the Sandia Mountains
with Donna Royer: 869-6882, dlroyer@earthlink.net - Meet
at 8:30 a.m. in the parking lot at the trail head. To get there go
east on Montgomery past Tramway Boulevard .4 miles. Turn left
(north) on Glenwood Hills. Continue .4 miles and turn east on
Trailhead Road. Go .2 miles to the parking lot. It is an easy walk,
about 1.5 miles round trip.

Bernardo Wildlife Area, part of the Ladd S. Gordon Waterfowl
Complex, with Judy Liddell: 271-0912, jliddell5@earthlink.
net Meet at 7:50 a.m. for an 8:00 departure in the parking lot
behind the Hawthorn Suites on Gibson and University. Bring
lunch. Very little walking is required. For those not driving, the
shared gas expenses are $5.00 at five cents per mile. The group
should be back in Albuquerque by mid afternoon.

Hike Rinconada Canyon in the Petroglyph National Monument
with Gary Shirk: 830-5925, gshirk748@gmail.com Meet at 9:00
a.m. in the trailhead parking lot on the west side of Unser Boulevard
NW, where Unser intersects with St. Joseph’s Avenue. It is
an easy 1.5 mile walk.

NOVEMBER 24 THANKSGIVING- no trip planned

CNMAS Weekend Field Trips - Fall 2011

Check for updates or additional field trips on our website:


Whitfield Wildlife Conservation Area and Belen Marsh
Saturday, September 24

Arrange for carpooling on your own in Albuquerque or meet at Whitfield at 8:30 AM for easy 1.5 mile walk. We should see Swainson’s Hawks, Summer Tanagers, Swallows, warblers and some fall sparrows. Next, we will proceed to Belen Marsh, park behind Taco Bell, scope for Burrowing Owls and walk a short distance to marsh for shorebirds. Trip will end by noon.
Leader: Linda Heinze, 565-1441 or manzanogal@gmail.com

Bernardo Wildlife Area
Saturday, October 29

Meet at the east end of the Explora (Mountain Road & 18th St. NW) parking lot at 7:50 a.m. to arrange carpools for spending the morning enjoying the views from the blinds along the Bernardo auto tour loop. Bring lunch, although the Taco Bell in Belen may be calling on the way home.
Leaders: Jim Mosley and Laurel Ladwig, 362-6871 or BUROWLnm@gmail.com