Banding report for March 11 -- 38 individuals, all recaptures, migration-ready

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Banding report for March 11 -- 38 individuals, all recaptures, migration-ready

Here is Nancy and Steve Cox's report for Sunday, March 11. These are individual birds, so the total does not include same-day recaptures. Ken

Hi all,

Today the crew handled 38 individuals (all repeats) including the Black originally banded in February of 2005.  She has put on fat and gained 2.4 grams.  We think she is ready to migrate home.    We had 2 more birds from 2008 that we had not seen yet this season.  The 38 individuals consisted of 21 Blacks, 16 Brown-capped and 1 Gray-crowned (interior).  No new birds were banded.

There were several inches of fresh snow on the drive up to the Crest House but it was all melted off of the road by this afternoon.

Nancy & Steve