Banding Report: Sunday, November 27

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Banding Report: Sunday, November 27

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Report on yesterday morning's rosy-finch banding from Nancy Cox of Rio Grande Bird Research. Note that only one Gray-crowned has been captured so far this season. The immature (hatch year) Black Rosy-Finches can look quite brown because of their extensive buffy feather tips, so check the color of the base of their feathers. If they are black or very dark brown, this indicates that the bird is not likely to be a Gray-crowned Rosy-Finch. The latter tend to have more cinnamon-brown feathers and also very little pink on their underparts and wings. See this link to an earlier discussion about ID of rosy-finches.

Hi Ken,

We had a day with results very similar to last week-end.  Today we newly banded 7 Rosy-Finches (6 Blacks and 1 interior race Gray-crowned) and one recapture.  The recapture was a Black that was banded last week-end.

We also banded lots of Mountain Chickadees.  In fact we newly banded 15 of them!

The road up was fine.
