I had assumed that the snow curtailed banding last week, but Nancy Cox just sent this in.
Hi Ken,
Sorry about the delay. We did band 27 new Rosy-Finches (24 Brown-capped and 3 Blacks). We also saw at least one Gray-crowned (interior race). The flock size has increased to between 60 and 75 birds.
We have also seen 2 more Blacks from Jan - Feb 2011.
We do plan to be up on the 15th also. There may be weather but it is not looking very likely.
How are your bobcats?
NancyIn reply to Nancy, I got pretty close to the family of mother and two cubs just before Christmas. They hunt marsh rabbits along a path next to our home in Florida. Here is the adult Bobcat:
The larger of the twin cubs:
This is the smaller kitten: