Banding Report: Sunday, January 29-- slow day

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Banding Report: Sunday, January 29-- slow day

Here is Nancy Cox's report-- Thank you!:

The Rosy-Finches did not show up until 12:30 today.  We were only able to capture one and it was a Brown-capped that we banded earlier this season.  One Gray-crowned was seen in the flock of about 25 Rosy-Finches.  The flock seemed to consist of equal numbers of Blacks and Brown-capped.

We decided to band any Mountain Chickadees (MOCH) that entered our traps so that we could show the numerous visitors who were patiently waiting for the Rosy-Finches to show up.  We newly banded 14 MOCHs.  We also recaptured 8 MOCHs from earlier this season.  There are a lot of Mountain Chickadees up there.

We also newly banded 2 Red-breasted Nuthatches (one male and one female).

A male American Three-Toed Woodpecker was seen at Kiwanis Meadows today.

Even though it snowed earlier this week, the road is in great condition.

We do plan to band each Sunday from now until the Rosy-Finches leave the Crest.
