Banding Report NOV 23-- Flock of 25 includes 1 Gray-crowned Hepburns seen!

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Banding Report NOV 23-- Flock of 25 includes 1 Gray-crowned Hepburns seen!

Nancy Cox of Rio Grande Bird Research sent this report on the first day of banding at Sandia Crest House--

Hi Ken,

The crew was able to newly band 3 Black Rosy-Finches today.  They were all males born this year.  The crew was also able to recapture a Black that was banded originally in November 2011.  He is now more than 4 years old.

The flock of about 25 seems to consist of 1 Hepburn's and then about half Brown-capped and half Blacks.  There may be slightly more Blacks than Brown-capped.

It was very windy.

The road is mostly clear with some icy patches at some curves.
