Banding Report MAR 1: 22 captures, all three species including Hepburn's

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Banding Report MAR 1: 22 captures, all three species including Hepburn's

Here is the report from Nancy & Steve Cox on Sunday's banding--

Hi Ken,

We banded another 8 Rosy-Finches today.  We banded 3 Brown-capped, 2 Blacks and 3 Gray-crowned.  Two of the Gray-crowned were Hepburn's and one Interior.

We also had 14 recaptures. - 13 were Blacks and one Brown-capped. Only one was from a previous season. She was originally banded on February 13, 2011.  She is now in her 6th year.

The road was clear of snow by the time the team left the Crest House.

Nancy & Steve