Banding Report: December 6 (Windy!)

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Banding Report: December 6 (Windy!)

Hi all,

It was very windy today (probably 40 mph with gusts of 50+ mph). We managed to catch a few birds today despite the weather.  We newly banded 3 Brown-capped Rosy-Finches and 1 Gray-crowned Rosy-Finch (interior race).  We had one more Black Rosy-Finch from a previous season.  It was originally banded on January 11, 2009.  We also saw one of  the birds (a Brown capped) that we had put a transmitter on last year, minus the transmitter (we had attached the transmitter on 1/18/09 and removed it on 3/15/09).  We know this individual without capturing it because we had also put a "color" band on it.

There were probably 50 to 75 Rosies.  They seemed to prefer to feed on the ground under the deck where it was probably less windy.

The road was clear.  However, the weatherman is predicting a good winter storm for this Tuesday and another for the end of the week.

We will be banding next Sunday (the 13th) and the 20th.  We will then take a break until January 10, 2010.  We are still working on the banding schedule for the rest of the season and will send it out as soon as possible.

Nancy & Steve