Nancy and Steve Cox provided this report:
Hi all,
We newly banded 14 more Rosy-Finches today (12 Blacks and 2 Brown-capped). One was an adult, the rest were hatch year birds. We also recaptured 2 more Blacks, one was banded last week-end and one was one that we originally banded on 12/13/2009.
We did see a few Gray-crowned Rosy-Finches in the area. There were probably at least 60 Rosy-Finches around.
John Parmeter saw a male Three-toed Woodpecker today at 2 p.m. "It was maybe 100 meters downhill from the closed metal gate across the service road to Kiwanis Meadow. There is a cross country ski trail downhill there and it was near that." He also had Golden-crowned Kinglets and Red Crossbills.
[Next banding session scheduled for December 12]
Nancy & Steve