Albuquerque birding, early August 2009

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Albuquerque birding, early August 2009

Richard Hall
Hi again, I've posted my (very mediocre) photos and a trip report from my three mornings of birding around the Sandias here:

Thanks again for the info I received from the website and this forum, and hope to make it back again for the rosy-finch spectacle one winter...

Richard Hall
Athens, GA
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Re: Albuquerque birding, early August 2009

An excellent report, Richard, and very enjoyable photo documentation. Anyone planning a summer visit to Sandia Crest should read your surfbirds report.

I'm quite sure that the kingbird you photographed near the Triangle was a Cassin's Kingbird, as evidenced by the strong contrast between the head and throat. Cassin's' outer retrices may bleach out with wear and give the appearance of Western Kingbird's white outer tail feathers. In my experience, Cassin's have been more common than Western Kingbirds above 7000 feet elevation. Am copying a couple of other local birders for their opinion.

Thanks so much for your report and photos!

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Re: Albuquerque birding, early August 2009

Richard Hall
Thanks Ken, I'm inclined to agree. The gray on the head and breast of the bird looked dark gray to me (a pro-Cassin's feature), though it was backlit and we were all pretty frazzled by the sun at this point.