Weekly $1donations were not obtained from trip attendees in 2013 because no one volunteered to do the collecting. As a result the eleven organizations/funds that received the $922 that was collected in 2012 received nothing from the Thursday Birders in 2013. The job of the Donations Collector involves attending regularly to collect the donations, arriving a few minutes before the meeting time, keeping a spread-sheet of the donations, and dividing up the collected money in January of 2015 to selected organizations. The treasurer of CNMAS will write the checks to each organization. This would be a job best done by two people so that one may substitute for the other when attendance is not possible. For those of you who are not comfortable with leading trips for the Thursday Birders, this would be a great way to lend your support to the group and the birding community. Would two people please come forward to do the work in 2014? TO CHECK FOR POSSIBLE TRIP CANCELATIONS DUE TO BAD WEATHER, go to the Audubon website: Click on FIELD TRIPS, then go to THURSDAY BIRDERS. DECEMBER 5 Hike in the Manzano/Four Hills Open Space with Rebecca Gracey: 505-242-3821,, followed by a holiday potluck at the home of Cindy and Joe Harris. Meet at 10:00 a.m. at the trailhead at the end of Stagecoach Road on the east side of the Four Hills Community for an easy one-mile walk. To reach the area drive one block east of Tramway on Central, turn south on Four Hills Drive, then proceed east and south on Stagecoach until it ends at the Open Space. After the walk the group will attend the potluck. Soup, coffee and tea will be provided. Everyone else should bring other dishes and beverages to share with the group. Unwrapped gifts for the Toys for Tots program will be collected from those wishing to contribute. Directions to the potluck location will be handed out at the hike. DECEMBER 12 Hike the Ellis Trailhead followed by a drive to the Crest to view the Rosy-Finches in the Sandia Mountains with Lannois Neely: 505-890-7881, Meet at 8:50 a.m. for a 9:00 departure from the parking lot on the far west side of the Four Hills Shopping Village located on the south side of Central Avenue between Tramway and Juan Tabo. The group will carpool to the Sandia Mountains. After walking about a mile on the Ellis Trail the group will drive to the Crest House for lunch and viewing of the Rosy-Finches as they come to the feeders. A $3 parking fee or Federal pass is required per car. For those not driving the shared gas expense is $3 at five cents per mile. The trip will end in the early afternoon. DECEMBER 19 Visit Valle del Oro National Wildlife Refuge in the South Valley with Rebecca Gracey: 505-242-3821, This 570-acre area is the Price’s Dairy property that was recently made an urban refuge. To carpool meet behind the Hawthorne Suites on Gibson SE, just west of University Boulevard at 8:50 a.m. for a 9:00 departure. The refuge is about 4 miles south of Rio Bravo SW on 2nd Street just south of Lagunitas Lane. The group will drive down the roads of the refuge with many stops along the way. The trip will end before noon. DECEMBER 26 Participate in the Sandia Mountains Christmas Bird Count with Rebecca Gracey: 505-242-3821, Meet at 7:30 a.m. in the Four Hills Shopping Village on the south side of Central between Tramway and Juan Tabo in the parking lot near Albertson’s. Notice that this parking lot is east of the usual meeting place for the Thursday Birders. Everyone participating will do little walking since the areas being covered are the east mountain communities north and south of I-40, and will be accessed by car with many stops along the way. Spotting scopes are welcome, and bring lunch since the group will be counting birds until 2:00 p.m. Meet back at O’Niell’s Irish Pub located at 3301 Juan Tabo NE, north of Candelaria, at 5:00 p.m. for the compilation party where one may purchase dinner. The event will end around 6:30 p.m. JANUARY 2 Walk around the Tingley bosque ponds with Joe Schelling: 505-797-9018, Meet at 9:00 a.m. in the Tingley Ponds main parking lot. Drive west on Central Avenue past Rio Grande Boulevard, then turn left on Tingley Drive. Take the first turn to the parking lot and park near the concession stand. The walk will end before noon. JANUARY 9 Drive to see raptors on the eastern plains of Torrance County with Bonnie Long: 379-1985, Meet at 7:50 a.m. for an 8:00 departure from the parking lot on the west side of the Tijeras Senior Center on NM 333/ Rt. 66. To reach the parking area turn north on Tijeras Avenue, just west of the Tijeras Library. The group will drive south of Moriarty and Estancia to look for raptors. Lunch will be at the Old Mill in Estancia. The group should be back in Tijeras in the late afternoon. For those not driving the shared gas expense is $5 at five cents per mile. JANUARY 16 Walk in one area of the Corrales bosque with Becky Purvis: 505-877-2517, Meet at 8:50 a.m. for a 9:00 departure from the shopping center located north of Alameda Blvd./NM 528 and east of NM 448/Coors/Corrales Road. The parking area is across Alameda Blvd. from McDonald’s on the south. The exact bosque area to be explored will be determined later. The group will have lunch afterwards at Village Pizza in Corrales. JANUARY 23 Visit the Whitfield Wildlife Conservation Area in Belen with Linda Heinze: 505-565-1441,, for a 1.5-mile walk. Meet at 8:50 a.m. for a 9:00 departure from the parking lot behind the Hawthorne Suites on Gibson and University Boulevard or 9:45 at WWCA on NM 47. Lunch will be at the new location of Rutilio’s Mexican Food in Los Lunas near the intersection of NM 47 with NM 6. The trip should end mid afternoon. For those not driving, the shared gas expense is $4 at five cents per mile. JANUARY 30 Visit the Bosque del Apache National Wildlife Refuge with Judy Liddell: 505-271-0912, Meet at 7:50 a.m. for an 8:00 departure from the parking lot behind the Hawthorne Suites on University and Gibson or 9:15 a.m. at the McDonald’s in Socorro. Bring lunch. A $5 entrance fee or Federal pass is required per car. The group should be back in Albuquerque in the late afternoon. For those not driving the shared gas expense is $10 at five cents per mile. FEBRUARY 6 Hike Embudo Canyon in the foothills of the Sandias with Barbara Hussey: 505-385-1165, Meet at 9:00 a.m. in the parking lot at the trailhead, located at the east end of Indian School Road NE. It will be an easy one-and-a-half mile walk ending before noon. FEBRUARY 13 Walk the perimeter of Los Poblanos Fields Open Space with Lefty Arnold: 505-514-9398, Meet at 8:57 a.m. in the open space parking lot. To reach the fields turn north on Tierra Viva, east of the Rio Grande River, from either west or east bound Montano. There will be a sign for Rio Grande Community Farms. It will be an easy one-mile walk ending before noon. FEBRUARY 20 Walk in the Alameda Open Space with Maurice Mackey: 505-897-0415, Meet at 9:00 a.m. in the Open Space parking lot on the south side of Alameda Boulevard. The lot is directly east of the Rio Grande River and west of the traffic light at Alameda and Rio Grande Boulevards. FEBRUARY 27 Hike up Embudito Canyon in the foothills of the Sandias with Donna Royer: 505-869-6882, Meet at 9:00 a.m. in the trailhead parking lot. To reach the canyon drive east on Montgomery past Tramway, then turn left on Glenwood Hills. Continue 0.4 miles before turning right on Trailhead Road. This is an easy one-mile walk that will end before noon. OTHER BIRDING OPPORTUNITIES: Central New Mexico Audubon Society has occasional weekend field trips. These are found on their website,, or in the Burrowing Owl publication of CNMAS. NATURE CENTER BIRD WALKS Join Saturday and Sunday morning bird walks at the Rio Grande Nature Center State Park located at the far west end of Candelaria NW beginning at 8:30 a.m. There is a $3 parking fee without a State Parks Pass or Friends of the Rio Grande Nature Center Pass. Both may be purchased in the visitor’s center after 10:00 a.m. THURSDAY BIRDER TRIP REPORTS Judy Liddell’s blog: Joe Schelling’s blog: and photo website: Lou Feltz’s photographs: Phil Trine’s photographs: NM RARE BIRD ALERT Rare Bird Alert for all states To report NM rare birds, contact Matt Baumann at, 264-1052. Wildlife Rescue located near the Nature Center for injured birds: 505-344-2500 To find where reported bird species have been sighted, go to Click on ‘Explore Data’, then ‘Range and Point Maps’, and type in the species name and general location. To get a listing of birds reported in a given location, after clicking on ‘View and Explore Data’, choose ‘Bar Charts’, and select the location.
Ken Schneider
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